Vigilis Tree Shelters: Manufacturer of 100% Soil-Biodegradable Tree and Hedge Protection

Vigilis Tree Shelters: Sustainable Solutions for Professional Forestry
Pioneering Sustainable Forestry with Advanced Tree Protection
At Vigilis Tree Shelters, we understand the needs of professionals dedicated to forestry and land management.
Our range includes 100% biodegradable tree shelters made from derivatives of wood, potato, and corn. These shelters provide durable protection for young trees and hedges for 5-6 years before biodegrading naturally in soil temperatures during a further 2-3 year period, leaving no waste behind and removing the need to collect.
For those requiring traditional tree guards, we offer high-quality, long-lasting, recyclable tree shelters and hedge wraps. We offer a Protect, Collect, Recycle scheme where, once your trees no longer need protection, you can bag up your used shelters and we will arrange a pickup to recycle the guards.
Our Products
Vigilis-Bio-VentAir Tree Shelters
Soil-biodegradable tree shelters with added holes to increase ventilation and light transmission.

Guard The Future Of Our Forests
Here at Vigilis Tree Shelters, we envision a forestry industry free from plastic waste.
We aim to solely supply and manufacture biodegradable tree shelters and hedge wraps by 2026.
Our Vigilis-Bio range is 100% soil-biodegradable, plastic-free and eco-toxicity neutral.
Our promise to you:
– 5 years of growing protection
– 2-3 years of true soil biodegradation
Vigilis Tree Shelters Ltd is the manufacturer and supplier of biodegradable tree shelters with a global supply chain.
Get in touch for a quote.
About Vigilis-Bio
The Future of Sustainable Forestry
Vigilis-Bio tree shelters have been designed to have all of the benefits of a traditional tree shelter whilst being 100% soil biodegradable. No toxic residues. No microplastics. No collection of tree shelters is required. Save time, money and the planet, one tree shelter at a time. Watch the video to learn more about the Vigilis-Bio journey.
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Let's Talk Tree Protection
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